
Sunday, November 18, 2012

North Carolina Kills on Thanksgiving Week

A Shelter Pet’s reality during a Holiday week in NC. Most County Animal Shelters will close for of a total 4 days this week, which means Wed, Nov 21, 2012 many NC Shelters will KILL every animal in their facility. Why? As the staff does NOT want to come in to feed & water or clean their kennels. Welcome to North Carolina where you better pray you never lose your pet close to a Holiday as the 72 hrs. rule doesn’t seem to apply.  See how many dirty little secrets we hold in our Country Animals Shelters in NC, is this the state you want to move to, drive thru, give them your money or even come for a Holiday at? BTW, NC still believes in GASSING their animals to death, so hold tight to your little one while at the rest stop, the last place to want to misplace your family pet is North Carolina !!  We are a High Kill State, where about 14 of our Counties still refuse to report their kill numbers and more than 65% of them do NOT have a microchip scanner to even try to reunite these lost pets with their family before they shove them into a Gas Chamber. Again Welcome to North Carolina, where we put laws on the books that are unenforceable due to we place them under the wrong department. Example GS_130A-192. Looks wonderful on paper but it’s unenforceable as it was placed under the incorrect dept. which is regulatory and hold no enforceable power. Thank you Floyd McKissick Jr (Demo no less). For refusing to ever return a phone call or email on your own bill and correct your mistake that cost so many animals their lives every day.

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